Sonobe Lab. > > Jpn|Ger|Fre|Spa|Por|Ita
** Sonobe Lab for 22nd C! **
[MIDI] So ein Tag (Such a Day) [MIDI] So ein Tag (Such a Day)  

    A person who came to like a music box at Zurich of Switzerland and memorized the music in her brain, gave me the data. I made the sound data in MIDI.
    'So ein Tag' in German is 'Such a Day' in English.
    The accompaniment is my original. I expressed naïvely the light and shadow of the pretty music played by hand-rotating music box.

- If the music do not start by the button above,
stop the above, and then play by the button below:

*LINK of   'So Ein Tag'

  - So Ein Tag waltz (MIDI) found after we made this page (The Kelly Family)

- Copyright ©, Masayuki Sonobe 2002-2025.
- Updated 171 days ago: 2024. 9. 3 Tue 18:21
- Accesses to the Page since 2002.07.19 00,007,852
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