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** Sonobe Lab for 22nd C! **
How to write modest compositions  
* This page is made by "machine translation" program from Japanese to English.
A certain Japanese division manager always added the Japanese word NODA to each sentence. NODA is a trailing word of sentence to make the audience feel that the speaker is insisiting this fact which he is proud of and they have not known.
He used to speak as follows:

Our division did this research NODA. We have completed a demonstration system was made NODA. So such an excellent result was made NODA. It Comes Out [ Several Affairs or Question ] from men of division vice president or president of each company and was popular. NODA. . "

manager Mr. achievement own [ that ] -- rather than -- it is almost the achievement of the member there . -- if a question comes to it -- ‘¦ -- being popular -- until -- that it can say ‚©‚Ç‚¤‚© .... . -- there is very much a problem in this man's view NODA . out of which that consciousness had come also to ‚ª and its style vividly -- this text -- "-- didn't it know? Admire! it is how -- it is how Doesn't he have a feeling which is displayed to it even if it holds the jaw of 1 in condition, such as ", and of which it boasted?

the language which this man was firing indiscreetly names and is "‚Ì -- it was word" NODA. .
it is "‚Ì -- or [ that it is such touch if expressed all together although word" has a variation ] -- :

{verb [ ] -- or adjective [ ] -- or adjective verb}+ { or ‚ñ} + ({-- it is -- -- the conjugated form of or exclamation} which is or which is or)

it is "‚Ì -- it was a time of getting to know the manager that I have recognized it as a word being haughty (haughty) word" clearly

Even if it is writing the text since then and writes in spite of itself "They are - - that", it is trying to delete, if it is the scene where you may delete "it is ‚Ì."

Reports, such as a paper, "- - It is ‚Ì. It tends to be written as ".
Even a relaxed and informal text "- - NODA. ", "-, ` ‚Á‚½ NODA. It tends to be written as " etc.

When you think that it is very pushy in the program of restaurant hopping of television, it is "- to narration. - NODA. " . with some which are using it abundantly, furthermore the ordinary persons who come out in a program further -- one by one -- "-- the hot spring here -- the body -- saying NODA. they are ‚æ-" etc. and "‚Ì . which does making word" say too much and I regard as ‚¾

However, since neither female "- -" nor { or}" of "-- is felt not much strong, I think that you do not need to cut down.
(incidentally -- a woman -- "- ‚í -- " -- since it is a quite strong way of speaking -- not much -- it will not use .)
dialectally, it is "‚Ì -- probably there is much what is not felt strong and it will be satisfactory, even if it is the same origin of a word as word"

it is "‚Ì although it is really difficult to write the humble text which is and does not have darkness -- my law [ word ] haughty word" -- a hint -- pleasing .

But the Bakabon's papa says.
It's all right NODA. . "

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