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How to recover MIDI sound breaking when browsing How to recover MIDI sound breaking when browsing  
* This page is made by "machine translation" program from Japanese to English.


Like the following case, it is the music of a web page. (BGM) e-- : which introduces the method which was effective when not sounding well

Problem 1 (it does not sound)
Netscape (Netscape,ネスケ,ブラウザ,browser) Installation (install, set up, setup) It stopped sounding, when carrying out.
I am also Netscape 7.2. (NN7.2, Netscape Navigator, Netscape Communicator) When installing, the situation of stopping sounding was encountered.
. from which the display of the music reproduction panel of MIDI which should originally have come out will be the display in which the picture has broken, or is in the state of saying that a display does not come out if it sees by the browser at this time

Problem 2 (途頗・琲
Music is プツプツ. (断痩3Iu"・操・・C頗・燹Α・・蛟・C頗・狠燹・燹・f"蛟・C頗・釁燹・f"蛟・・C途頗・・頗・・s・・狹燹Α・k"・・・・l~・・・桝・Α・・・・ΑΑ・ Way piece r・・燹
When moving a window especially or having received the page with many pictures, music
-- - ----- ---- - --
v-- like -- intermittent -- way piece r・・燹
. to which it is very hard to move and which a mouse cursor also becomes at this time so that it may be caught on the way

Aren't there any those who are troubled usually in this "2", either?

Let's try just for a moment.


What A type - C type was named and is carried with the following "check menu" is the form which the author of a web page uses for inclusion of MIDI music.
Is the music reproduction panel A type - C type [ all ] displayed now by your browser?

Check menu
=タA type Example 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

It is the embedding (= EMBED= embed) type often used.

=タB type Example

It is an OBJECT (object) type corresponding to RealAudio (RealAudio).

=タC type Example

It is an OBJECT (object) type corresponding to Windows Media Player (media player).


"After reproducing by A, it reproduces by B," Since this page is re-read to reproduce continuously by other methods Please be alike and carry out.

Netscape may not react and it must stop otherwise, having to cut manually (what fault is it? ....).
(Windows 95 / . which 98/of systems may freeze in Me)
(method: to cut -- "- which Netscape taskbar-right-click - closes -- readily -- end" -- if you ask whether the end (E)-end of the . or Shift-Ctrl-Esc-スクマネージャ-application-relevance Netscape of a reversal-task may be done -- O.K.) .

The web author has not decided and the kind (maker) of music reproduction panel is plug-in of your browser. (プラグ イン,plug-in,plugin) It is chosen and displayed in an environment.
A picture changes also with versions.
. I hear that plug-in of MIDI is not installed in your browser if not displayed -- music will be played when you peruse the site which adopted MIDI inclusion of the same type

Can reproduction and a stop be performed, respectively? Let's try upper notes on reference.
* There is a silent portion for about 5 seconds in a musical head.
Don't you shake another window greatly up and down for about 20 seconds with a mouse during reproduction, and doesn't music become fragmentary?
In my case, it happened with plug-in of QuickTime for Windows.

* It is the case with a part of black picture where it is square, by B type.

Example :

It will be repaired if it is wタand .Netscape which is not cared about since the gap of reading timing has only gone wrong at the picture load, and re-reading is clicked, pressing the Shift key.

The solution method

The solution method of a problem 1 (it does not sound)

  1. When it is said that Netscape of a new version was installed in the folder different from Netscape of the old version :

    usually, . which copies all the files in the Plugins folder under Netscape currently made as a folder under a C:Program Files folder into the Plugins folder under new Netscape -- and please try this check once again

    A copy can be performed using Explorer (program of the file list started by = my computer).

    Supposing it says, "There is already a file of the same name", time will be new and only a file will allow a copy.

  2. If not repaired above, plug-in of MIDI is downloaded further.
    Onerous and the gratis thing have come out of plug-in from each company.
    There are the following in the main gratis MIDI plug-in. :

    =タQuickTime Gratis player download

    =タRealOnem Player Free download
    If this is downloaded, B type will also come to sound.

    =タMediaPlayer Latest version download
    If this is downloaded, C type will also come to sound.

    =タGratis plug-in of YAMAHA YAMAHA MIDPLUG
    This is .-> which is the ban on a distribution end and secondary distribution 2002. YAMAHA information

    If QuickTime downloads one file and installation is performed
    1. Usually, QuickTime program [ of a model ] .
    2. It is Internet Explorer also to Netscape. (InternetExplorer,インターネット エクスプローラ,インターネット エキスプローラ,インタネ,IE) being also alike -- Opera オペラ being also alike -- plug-in . which boils all and is incorporated automatically
    3. A software sound source called a QuickTime music synthesizer
      Roland's GS tone generator is used for this sound source, and it is said to be quality.
      A software sound source is . which is the thing of the program from which this musical instrument changes into noise data the MIDI data which has described a tone, the pitch of a noise, length, strength, timing, etc. like this noise.
    Since it was . by which e・ΑΑ・nstallation is carried out, there was no especially operation required about plug-in.
    It seems that the kind of browser by which plug-in is also built into a browser and which is. Incorporated may become in part if a player is installed also in RealPlayer and Media Player.

  3. Ordinarily, Plug-in installed at the end becomes effective, and plug-in which was installing and moving before is no longer used. .
    Since the design of a music reproduction panel changes, this is understood.
    Also for my case, plug-in of IE is Microsoft. (Microsoft) It changed to the thing of Windows Media Player to QuickTime of 錘ホ

    Although it is a method in the case of wanting to return, plug-in to use is installed again.

    The case where he wanted to return plug-in of IE to MediaPlayer, when installing the latest version of MediaPlayer , plug-in of IE returned to MediaPlayer.
    At this time, plug-in of other browsers, such as Netscape 7.1, Netscap 4.75, and Opera 6.05, had become with QuickTime.

Although MIDI came to sound now, the problem of the way piece of the above (2) has arisen.

The solution method of a problem 2 (途頗・琲

That of プツプツ way piece r・・燹・s [ music ] sick.
And it is more sick that a mouse cursor does not move satisfactorily.

But if there is no way piece in the case of you, since I hear that the plug-in can be operating sufficiently quickly on your quick computer, it may become new dissatisfaction that the following management changes unnecessary . software sound source.

There is not necessarily a way piece on good conditions, either. Even for the quickest computer, if the load of OS increases temporarily, music will be way piece o"・ That hundreds of collected scores sound in グジャーン and an instant after it o"・ Or it is in repeating the noise for several seconds several times o"・ The phenomenon to say does not become that there is nothing.
Day, if such a phenomenon is several times per, and it is several times, it can call it the unusual range in normal range . 1 minute.

In my case, since it solved about QuickTime, the method is described.

Becoming the shortage of throughput changed and tried a setup on . from which load will become 100% readily although a clock is 700MHz CPU when CPU load is observed by the task manager variously, when it would be why.
After all, it traced solving, if it switches to what is registered into Windows from the "QuickTime music synthesizer" by which QuickTime offers the software sound source with much trouble.
(I want you to make a software sound source so that load may not be applied to CPU to a slight degree .)

  1. The page (this page is also that w"・ of the MIDI music to which the music reproduction panel of QuickTime comes out is taken out.
  2. The rightmost downward arrow button () It clicks and "connection speed" is clicked.

    Then, it becomes a "QuickTime setting" screen.
    It is the structure that the setup is useful only by being able to choose a setting item and closing a window also except connection speed. Cancellation is not effective. Let's be careful by v,

  3. (from the tab currently displayed as connection speed) "Music" is chosen and it is made the screen.

  4. A check is reput into . "General MIDI" which I regard as probably the check being contained in a "QuickTime music synthesizer."

  5. A window is closed by "x."

Now, connection of the way piece of a noise and a motion of a mouse (it depends for passing using CPU of the same preference) was solved, and it became very comfortable.

Probably, it will be better to have asked . noise which may have resistance to that QuickTime switches a sound source by this management although charm carries Roland's software sound source, and to compare and decide it to be it.
In the case of Windows 2000, even if changed in the talk that this also carries Roland's software sound source in my case, tone quality was still good.

It seems that the strange fault [ say / that the music of the original window sounds in the tone of another window ] also lurks if it is called バンッ or there are however two or more windows with which music is sounded when music is interrupted by the music of other windows.

If you refer, please point out the point of companion happy . mind.

* I of music am an eel (the lyrics and composition: Masayuki Sonobe).
* Proper nouns, such as a product name and a company name, are the trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.
* Related link
=タ Inclusion of BGM by MIDI ( page of Nakamura 宏 Mr. wise dog ? タロー )
=タ <object> - Attachment of an object ( Mr. 杜甫!X )
=タ The QuickTime embedding method ( Apple Computer (Japan ))

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