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** Sonobe Lab for 22nd C! **
Bio-memory and Bio-communication Bio-memory and Bio-communication  

Could you store all the data of the world into cube sugar size?

1 [NEWS RELAEASE] Bio-memory and Bio-communication Bio-memory and Bio-communication Information memorizing technology in artificial DNA.
2 Patent Application of Bio-memory and Bio-communication Bio-memory and Bio-communication The patent application, writing details.
3 [DEMO] Translation from human text to DNA Bio-memory and Bio-communication Your can write a Bio-letter in DNA.
4 [DEMO] Translation from human text to amino acids Bio-memory and Bio-communication Your can write your Bio-letter in amino acid.
5 [DEMO] Translation from DNA into human text Bio-memory and Bio-communication Your can read a Bio-letter in DNA here.
6 [DEMO] Translation from amino acids into human text Bio-memory and Bio-communication Your can read your Bio-letter in amino acid here.

* Everyone, who wants to embed artificial mark data into biopolymer or living things containing of biopolymer, like marking dogs and pigeons by bands,
who wants to convert files to high density biopolymer,
or who wants to communicate with someone by messages or pictures by embedding,
has to consult to Sonobe Laboratory about practicing this invention in advance.
(in Japan)

* As for this invention, Patent Pending in Japan.
inventor = Masayuki Sonobe,
applicant = A rightful claimant = Masayuki Sonobe.

- Copyright ©, Masayuki Sonobe 2002-2024.
- Updated 5590 days ago: 2009. 7. 2 Thu 19:18
- Accesses to the Page since 2002.10.17 00,008,629
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