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** Sonobe Lab for 22nd C! **
[PHOTO] The Display of the Station Broken by the Typhoon [PHOTO] The Display of the Station Broken by the Typhoon  
* This page is made by "machine translation" program from Japanese to English.

It will be that the highest record with a . sure wind speed of 34m [/second ] to which a typhoon No. 15 came out on September 11, 2001 at 11:20.

Exactly, then, if it was a train 120km/h, a prospect of a train of no vacancy which. Comes out and which was kept waiting when it came out by which ‚ʉJ•— said a home and was blowing violently on driving which comes out at last was lost at the station.

Since it is injured and I who was returning to a house do not spread, if I fly with . Dawn as for whom the body became blown away in response to a complete attack of violent wind and rain on a footbridge [ a wind 120km/h whose glasses were lost to somewhere in . about 1 minute which had hung on to a near pillar by power of –žg ] like a car along which he runs at full speed completely . which does not know becoming weaker .... which does not understand whether it was whether it was there for 5 minutes for 10 minutes . -- since it may have become strong further, it was run in and saved in momentary ƒXƒL in a nearby building

A father discovered glasses. Lost which even a station where a tree fell here and there on that day, or it broke, and a roof separated and fell had from under a footbridge.

Probably, much cold water kept in . circuit where a train annunciator had broken splendidly in this way as yes, when it went to the station on the next day.

Although it is said that light emission diode (LED) cannot break down easily the control circuit tends to break down -- It is peevish. it comes out, and there is not any room of . improvement -- [ failure of being as a color changing ‚½‚è /, and ] [ that lighting ‚µ‚Á‚Ï becomes nothing as for a part of . train annunciator ] . of how to break at this time seen here and there was also the severest in there being almost no pixel survived as looking, and having seen till then.

. to which coordinated terrorist attacks happened in September 11 and the United States to which this typhoon came, and an anthrax incident and BSE incidents of Japan happened in succession also after that . which was a fearful moon

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