Sonobe Lab. > > Lc| Japanese|Ger|Fre|Spa|Por|Ita
** Sonobe Lab for 22nd C!**
Company Profile - Sonobe Laboratory Limited Company Profile - Sonobe Laboratory Limited  

Name of Company Sonobe Laboratory Limited
Representative Director, CEO Masayuki Sonobe
Main Business Domain
  • Information processing service and information providing service

  • Research, planning, requirement analysis, analysis, design, development, management, installation, test, incident inspection, maintenance, operation, sales, present, customer support, survey and consulting;
    of information processing systems and networks.

  • Survey and consulting;
    of intelligent properties including patent and trademark.

  • Programming Language Converter Cobbee
    Cobbee is one of our products, a COBOL to Java Converter.
    We have pursued the highest fidelity in the world, between behaviours of mainframe COBOL applications and that of the generated Java applications, as well as the highest readabilty and inspectability of the Java applications.
Main Customers
Motto Fine Ideas, Fine Systems

Luckey Mallets for Our Customers

Handing Our Practical Technologies to Youth

Founded 2011/10/11
Capital JPY 2,000,000
shareholding(s) Masayuki Sonobe
Office ZIP:279-0011
1-620, 1-chome, Mihama, Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan
Contact E-Mail
Web site
  • The company pages of Sonobe Laboratory Limited

  • The personal pages of Masayuki Sonobe: Information from Sonobe Laboratory.

  • Privacy Policy Privacy Policy
    (Security of our Customers' Personal Information Handling) (written in Japanese)
    Our Own Registerd Trademark

    (R) The certificate of trademark registration and its p.2

    (Cobbee Logomark)

    (As of 2023/4/1)

    - Copyright ©, Masayuki Sonobe 2011-2024.
    - Updated 469 days ago: 2023. 4.15 Sat 13:03
    - Accesses to the Page since 2011.10.22 00,003,151
    - Accesses to Sonobe's since 2002.07.01 05,195,385